Dr Zoe Handley
University of York
Zoe Handley is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Language Education. She is an interdisciplinary researcher, with a background in language technology, who recognizes the value of quantitative as well as qualitative work in this area. Her earlier work focused on the evaluation of speech synthesis for use in language learning and teaching. Since then she has carried out a systematic review of evidence for the use of technology to support English language learning in primary and secondary schools and supervised a number of theses evaluating applications of technology for language learning. These have typically explored the use of web 2.0 and Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) technologies. Further to this she is interested in how learners autonomously use technology to support their learning in contexts such as study abroad. Zoe is currently particularly interested in teacher thinking in relation to the integration of technology to support language learning and developing and evaluating training to support teachers in making decisions about what technologies to integrate into their teaching, for what purposes and how.
Zoe welcomes applications from PhD students interested in designing and evaluating educational activities that harness the affordances of digital technologies to create conditions and engage learners in processes that are known to support language learning.
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