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Dr Nuria Peña Pérez

Queen Mary University of London

iGGi Alum

Nuria got her bachelor’s in biomedical engineering in Spain before moving to London. After studying an MSc in Neurotechnology and working in robotic neurorehabilitation at Imperial College London, she discovered the enormous potential of serious games in the field of human-robot interaction.

She joined IGGI in 2018. Her PhD research involves studying human motor control and learning during bimanual tasks to investigate how the dynamics of the interaction can serve to develop better training systems. This is done through the development of interactive gaming environments that are compatible with rehabilitation robotic devices. The modelling of the recorded human neuromuscular data allows to explore how to better help patients to restore their motor function. Her work is a collaboration between the Advanced Robotics group at Queen Mary University of London and the Human Robotics group at Imperial College London.

As part of her PhD she has worked for the company GripAble, developing games for the assessment and training of hand function (February 2020-August-2020).


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The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence (iGGi) is a leading PhD research programme aimed at the Games and Creative Industries.

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