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  • The Right Variety: Improving Expressive Range Analysis with Metric Selection Methods

    < Back The Right Variety: Improving Expressive Range Analysis with Metric Selection Methods Link ​ Author(s) O Withington, L Tokarchuk Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • New Moon Studios

    iGGi Partners We are excited to be collaborating with a number of industry partners. IGGI works with industry in some of the following ways: ​ Student Industry Knowledge Transfer - this can take many forms, from what looks like a traditional placement, to a short term consultancy, to an ongoing relationship between the student and their industry partner. Student Sponsorship - for some of our students, their relationship with their industry partner is reinforced by sponsorship from the company. This is an excellent demonstration of the strength of the commitment and the success of the collaborations. In Kind Contributions - IGGI industry partners can contribute by attending and/or featuring in our annual conference, offering their time to give talks and masterclasses for our students, or even taking part in our annual game jam! ​ There are many ways for our industry partners to work with IGGI. If you are interested in becoming involved, please do contact us so we can discuss what might be suitable for you. New Moon Studios

  • Emily Marriott

    < Back ​ Emily Marriott University of Essex ​ iGGi Alum ​ ​ Automated Story Generation for Games Emily is researching automated story generation for video games, focusing on the use of Planning for real-time, dynamic generation. Ideally, the stories created will reflect choices made by the player during gameplay and will update continually throughout gameplay. The aim of this research is to create a system that could be easily utilised in the development of more adaptive games. This could improve player enjoyment, increase re-playability, and allow for the inclusion or exclusion of content that may only appeal to niche audiences. Emily’s current focus is on investigating story structures and pacing to create a template for generating good stories specifically for games that are consistent, well-structured and interesting. This involves studying the pacing requirements in existing games to establish what these are and how they differ the requirements for film and TV. The system will ideally be integrated with existing game-development tools and provide an easy-to-use interface to make the creation of adaptive games easier and quicker. The eventual goal is a full story-generation system would support both the creation of quests that emerge from story requirements and a game world that fits the environment required for the story. Emily graduated from Glyndŵr University with a BSc in Computer Games Development before completing an MSc in Computer Science at Oxford Brookes University. The substance of the MSc dissertation involved generating dungeon levels and quests using grammars based on the play style the player appeared to favour. Emily enjoys playing both tabletop and computer roleplaying games, especially ones in which player actions can have a dramatic effect on the game’s progression. Please note: Updating of profile text in progress ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Player Research - Previous Next

  • deltaDNA (UK)

    iGGi Partners We are excited to be collaborating with a number of industry partners. IGGI works with industry in some of the following ways: ​ Student Industry Knowledge Transfer - this can take many forms, from what looks like a traditional placement, to a short term consultancy, to an ongoing relationship between the student and their industry partner. Student Sponsorship - for some of our students, their relationship with their industry partner is reinforced by sponsorship from the company. This is an excellent demonstration of the strength of the commitment and the success of the collaborations. In Kind Contributions - IGGI industry partners can contribute by attending and/or featuring in our annual conference, offering their time to give talks and masterclasses for our students, or even taking part in our annual game jam! ​ There are many ways for our industry partners to work with IGGI. If you are interested in becoming involved, please do contact us so we can discuss what might be suitable for you. deltaDNA (UK)

  • On the Machine Condition and its Creative Expression.

    < Back On the Machine Condition and its Creative Expression. Link ​ Author(s) S Colton, A Pease, C Guckelsberger, J McCormack, MT Llano, M Cook Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Remo Sasso

    < Back ​ Remo Sasso Queen Mary University of London ​ iGGi PG Researcher ​ Available for placement I hold a BSc and MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Groningen (NL) and am currently a PhD student at the Queen Mary University of London under the supervision of Paulo Rauber. In addition to my academic work, I have worked as a Machine Learning engineer, and am currently the Head of AI at xDNA, an AI/Cybersecurity-based start-up from the Netherlands. Here I'm leading the initiative Project Aletheia, where we develop AI-driven tools to optimize the workflow of professional fact-checkers, with the overarching goal of ensuring information integrity in the world. Foundation World Models and Foundation Agents for Reinforcement Learning My research focuses on developing reinforcement learning algorithms that are both scalable and sample-efficient through Bayesian methods and model-based approaches, recently with a particular emphasis on Large Language Models (LLMs). My previous research focused on principled, efficient and scalable exploration algorithms for reinforcement learning, e.g. Poster Sampling for Deep Reinforcement Learning (ICML 2023), where we developed a reinforcement learning algorithm that can be considered state-of-the-art in Atari games. Currently I'm particularly interested in the integration of LLMs in the reinforcement learning framework, both as decision-making agents and simulators. My current research, called "Foundation World Models and Foundation Agents for Reinforcement Learning" investigates this integration in-depth and shows that large models show significant potential in various reinforcement learning tasks, ranging from decision-making in stochastic environments to serving as world models. ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github Supervisor: Dr Paulo Rauber Featured Publication(s): VDSC: Enhancing Exploration Timing with Value Discrepancy and State Counts Making Connections: Neurodevelopmental Changes in Brain Connectivity after Adverse Experiences in Early Adolescence Multi-Source Transfer Learning for Deep Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Simultaneous multi-view object recognition and grasping in open-ended domains Posterior Sampling for Deep Reinforcement Learning Themes Game AI - Previous Next

  • Dr Tom Collins

    < Back ​ Dr Tom Collins University of York ​ Supervisor ​ ​ Tom runs the Music Computing and Psychology Lab in the Music Department at University of York, and so makes a good supervisor for game audio projects, but he has wider interests in media (e.g., podcasts) and sport (especially football), and in sport how AI can be leveraged to enhance analytics that lead to new insights into, and competitive advantages in, individual and team performance. Tom is internationally recognised for his work in automatic music generation, web systems for music, and information retrieval. His research has been featured by the BBC (BBC Click), The Times, and Financial Times among others. Tom is interested in supervising students who have a background in at least one of the following areas, and who are interested in acquiring knowledge of the others: Data science and machine learning (especially deep learning); One of music, podcasts, or sport; Software engineering (especially full-stack JavaScript development). ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Esports Game AI Game Audio Game Data Player Research - Previous Next

  • Southern University of Science and Technology

    iGGi Partners We are excited to be collaborating with a number of industry partners. IGGI works with industry in some of the following ways: ​ Student Industry Knowledge Transfer - this can take many forms, from what looks like a traditional placement, to a short term consultancy, to an ongoing relationship between the student and their industry partner. Student Sponsorship - for some of our students, their relationship with their industry partner is reinforced by sponsorship from the company. This is an excellent demonstration of the strength of the commitment and the success of the collaborations. In Kind Contributions - IGGI industry partners can contribute by attending and/or featuring in our annual conference, offering their time to give talks and masterclasses for our students, or even taking part in our annual game jam! ​ There are many ways for our industry partners to work with IGGI. If you are interested in becoming involved, please do contact us so we can discuss what might be suitable for you. Southern University of Science and Technology

  • Pilar Zhang Qiu

    < Back ​ Pilar Zhang Qiu Queen Mary University of London ​ iGGi Alum ​ ​ Pilar is a researcher with a background in Design Engineering. She has a keen interest in user experience and interaction, wearables and the use of cyber-physical systems in the medical field. Her PhD centres around the creation of play assessments for neuromotor conditions in children with cerebral palsy. This gravitates around the idea that better and more objective clinical data can be obtained through gamification of common assessments. Please note: Updating of profile text in progress ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Applied Games - Previous Next

  • Bodystorming in SocialVR to Support Collaborative Embodied Ideation

    < Back Bodystorming in SocialVR to Support Collaborative Embodied Ideation Link ​ Author(s) C Gonzalez Diaz, R Fiebrink, P Perry, R Gibson, B Martelli, S Deterding, ... Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Athansios Kokkinakis

    < Back ​ Dr Athanasios Vasileios Kokkinakis University of York ​ iGGi Alum ​ ​ Videogame Correlates of Real-Life Cognitive Traits Video-games have been increasingly gaining momentum and popularity, both with the public but also with the scientific world who has seen their usefulness in multiple areas. Researchers have been making bold claims of Videogames increasing Intelligence monopolizing the public’s attention and taking it away from what Videogames are excellent at; serving as diagnostic tools examining constructs such Reaction Times, Memory and fluid Intelligence. The sharp decline of the aforementioned concepts has been linked to multiple diseases such as the prodrome of Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Moreover, their measurement has been linked to important life outcomes such as Academic Achievement, Time in Unemployment, Unwanted Pregnancies and Mathematical Achievement among others. In my doctoral thesis I have correlated these constructs with the massively played video-game League of Legends. By cross-validating Psychometric measurements with Video-game metrics we can possibly identify at risk populations and stage Health Interventions or even identify “gifted” children or children that lag behind at an early age and place them in appropriate training curricula. He acquired his BSc in Psychology from the University of Bangor and he then went to complete his MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of York. In his first experiment he attempted to see whether “expert video-gamers” would show less Attentional Resources when compared to a control group of non-gamers and whether a short training session of approximately a week had any effects on the non-gamer group. His MSc, although not related to gaming, gave him valuable experience with EEG and MEG which he hopes to incorporate into his future experiments. In his most recent experiments he correlated psychometric Intelligence with Videogame Scores, more specifically League of Legends Tiers. He believes that these scores may give us insight on multiple developmental trajectories for instance healthy aging. ​ athanasios dot kokkinakis *at* z)!gmail*com Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ Prof. Alex Wade Prof. Peter Cowling Featured Publication(s): Data-Driven Audience Experiences in Esports Metagaming and metagames in Esports Videogame Correlates of Real Life Traits and Characteristics. Exploring the relationship between video game expertise and fluid intelligence Temporal and spatial localization of prediction-error signals in the visual brain What's in a name? Ages and names predict the valence of social interactions in a massive online game MEG adaptation resolves the spatiotemporal characteristics of face-sensitive brain responses Predicting skill learning in a large, longitudinal MOBA dataset Automatic Generation of Text for Match Recaps using Esport Caster Commentaries WARDS: Modelling the Worth of Vision in MOBA's DAX: Data-Driven Audience Experiences in Esports Time to die 2: Improved in-game death prediction in dota 2 Themes Esports Game AI Player Research Research Gate Google Scholar Previous Next

  • Decentralised Gambling: The York Combined Transaction Set

    < Back Decentralised Gambling: The York Combined Transaction Set Link ​ Author(s) OJ Scholten, D Zendle, JA Walker Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

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