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  • iGGi @ Develop:Brighton - featuring Joe Hesketh | iGGi PhD

    < Back iGGi @ Develop:Brighton - featuring Joe Hesketh An iGGi delegation of six PhD Researchers (comprising Timea Farkas , Charline Foch , Joseph Hesketh , Jozef Kulik, Cristiana Pacheco , Elena Petrovskaya ) will attend this year's Develop:Brighton conference. Europe's leading game dev conference has in large parts returned to its "in-person" format which drew over 2,500 attendees including around 1,200 companies in 2019. The event is spread over three days starting on Tuesday 26 October. The Expo runs on days 2 and 3 - Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28. DON'T MISS: iGGi PhD Researcher Joseph Hesketh 's talk on "How To Support Learning in Multiplayer Games" - Thursday 28 October, 16:00-16:45, Develop:Brighton " Design " track It is not too late to register: ​ Previous 18 Oct 2021 Next

  • Prof Nick Pears

    < Back ​ Prof. Nick Pears University of York ​ Supervisor ​ ​ Nick Pears is a Professor of Computer Vision in York’s Vision, Graphics and Learning (VGL) research group. He works on statistical modelling of 3D shapes, with an emphasis on the human face and head. The Liverpool-York Head Model and the associated Headspace training set has been downloaded by over 100 research groups internationally, with the Universal Head Model being downloaded by 50 research groups. His most recent work with his PhD students has focused on semantic disentanglement of 3D images and how to make autonomous vehicles safer and more trustworthy when using computer vision systems. He is assessor for many PhDs including construction of generative models for novel video content using adversarial deep learning techniques. ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Creative Computing Game AI - Previous Next

  • Prof Marian Ursu

    < Back ​ Prof. Marian Ursu Goldsmiths ​ Supervisor ​ ​ Marian Ursu has a first degree in Computer Science, a PhD in Artificial Intelligence, and has worked over the past twenty years in the development of new forms of mediated expression and interaction, in the space of convergence of digital technology with creative practice. He worked at Goldsmiths, University of London, pioneering “creative computing”, a term denoting a fundamental link between digital technologies, the arts and media. At York, he led the development of the Interactive Media subject area in the department of Theatre Film Television and Interactive Media, inherently interdisciplinary, building on Computer Science, User Experience Design, Media Practice and Cultural Studies. He is a co-founder and the Director of the Digital Creativity (DC) Labs ( ), a centre of excellence in impact-driven research in creativity for games, narrative media and the rich space of media convergence that lies in between, and Co-Director of XR Stories ( ), a creative industries partnership working across film, TV, games, media arts, heritage, advertising and technology to champion a new future in storytelling, in which he leads on Research and Development. His personal research is situated in the area of narrative experiences in scree media – shared screens (film, TV), personal screens (games, social media), stories in VR, XR narrative experiences – drawing from and building on established narrative art-forms and media including film and TV, radio, theatre, and opera. One of his key research objective is to explore the creative process that emerges in dialogue between humans and machines (AI). On one hand, this is necessary for the authoring of more complex narrative experiences that truly exploit the affordances of interactive and immersive digital media technologies. On the other hand, this is a yet poorly untapped space of opportunities, potentially conducive to significant findings. He is particularly interested in supervising students interested in exploring creativity in dialogue with AI and/or the development of novel narrative experiences, in topics including: Conceptualising the space of interactive storytelling Developing authoring tools and techniques for interactive storytelling Creating new forms of narrative engagement Analysing the concept of creativity in interactive media which emerges in conversation with AI Research themes: Narrative Games; Narrative Experiences Storytelling with Convergent Media Object-Based Media Computational Creativity Live mediated experiences (performance, sports, esports) Entertainment media and mental health Games and Theatre ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Creative Computing Player Research - Previous Next

  • Is a robot needed to modify human effort in bimanual tracking?

    < Back Is a robot needed to modify human effort in bimanual tracking? Link ​ Author(s) N Pena-Perez, J Eden, E Ivanova, E Burdet, I Farkhatdinov Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Actions, not gestures: contextualising embodied controller interactions in immersive virtual reality

    < Back Actions, not gestures: contextualising embodied controller interactions in immersive virtual reality Link ​ Author(s) J Ratcliffe, N Ballou, L Tokarchuk Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • First experiments in the automatic generation of pseudo-profound pseudo-bullshit image titles

    < Back First experiments in the automatic generation of pseudo-profound pseudo-bullshit image titles Link ​ Author(s) S Colton, S Berns, BP Ferrer Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Human VR

    iGGi Partners We are excited to be collaborating with a number of industry partners. IGGI works with industry in some of the following ways: ​ Student Industry Knowledge Transfer - this can take many forms, from what looks like a traditional placement, to a short term consultancy, to an ongoing relationship between the student and their industry partner. Student Sponsorship - for some of our students, their relationship with their industry partner is reinforced by sponsorship from the company. This is an excellent demonstration of the strength of the commitment and the success of the collaborations. In Kind Contributions - IGGI industry partners can contribute by attending and/or featuring in our annual conference, offering their time to give talks and masterclasses for our students, or even taking part in our annual game jam! ​ There are many ways for our industry partners to work with IGGI. If you are interested in becoming involved, please do contact us so we can discuss what might be suitable for you. Human VR

  • Validation and Prioritization of Design Options for Accessible Player Experiences

    < Back Validation and Prioritization of Design Options for Accessible Player Experiences Link ​ Author(s) C Power, P Cairns, M Barlet, G Haynes, J Beeston, T DeHaven Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Dynamic graffiti stylisation with stochastic optimal control

    < Back Dynamic graffiti stylisation with stochastic optimal control Link ​ Author(s) D Berio, S Calinon, FF Leymarie Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Beyond the Meta: Leveraging Game Design Parameters for Patch-Agnostic Esport Analitics

    < Back Beyond the Meta: Leveraging Game Design Parameters for Patch-Agnostic Esport Analitics Link ​ Author(s) A Pedrassoli Chitayat, F Block, J Walker, A Drachen Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Northeastern University

    iGGi Partners We are excited to be collaborating with a number of industry partners. IGGI works with industry in some of the following ways: ​ Student Industry Knowledge Transfer - this can take many forms, from what looks like a traditional placement, to a short term consultancy, to an ongoing relationship between the student and their industry partner. Student Sponsorship - for some of our students, their relationship with their industry partner is reinforced by sponsorship from the company. This is an excellent demonstration of the strength of the commitment and the success of the collaborations. In Kind Contributions - IGGI industry partners can contribute by attending and/or featuring in our annual conference, offering their time to give talks and masterclasses for our students, or even taking part in our annual game jam! ​ There are many ways for our industry partners to work with IGGI. If you are interested in becoming involved, please do contact us so we can discuss what might be suitable for you. Northeastern University

  • Frontline Ventures

    iGGi Partners We are excited to be collaborating with a number of industry partners. IGGI works with industry in some of the following ways: ​ Student Industry Knowledge Transfer - this can take many forms, from what looks like a traditional placement, to a short term consultancy, to an ongoing relationship between the student and their industry partner. Student Sponsorship - for some of our students, their relationship with their industry partner is reinforced by sponsorship from the company. This is an excellent demonstration of the strength of the commitment and the success of the collaborations. In Kind Contributions - IGGI industry partners can contribute by attending and/or featuring in our annual conference, offering their time to give talks and masterclasses for our students, or even taking part in our annual game jam! ​ There are many ways for our industry partners to work with IGGI. If you are interested in becoming involved, please do contact us so we can discuss what might be suitable for you. Frontline Ventures

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