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  • Janet Gibbs

    < Back ​ Janet Gibbs Goldsmiths ​ iGGi PG Researcher ​ ​ Janet is exploring how multi-modal perceptual feedback contributes to a player's sense of presence in the virtual world. Jaron Lanier described Virtual Reality (VR) as the substitution of the interface between a person and their physical environment with an interface to a simulated environment. This interface is of particular significance in understanding how presence depends on the nature, extent and veridicality of our sensorimotor interaction with the virtual environment, and how that relates to our normal engagement with the real world. In practice, only selected parts of the interface are substituted - we are never fully removed from our physical environment. Our perceptual apparatus evolved to make sense of changing sensations in multiple modalities originating naturally and coherently from the same event or percept. By contrast, in VR, individually crafted feedback using different technologies for each modality are coordinated to appear as if from a single source. VR benefits from a long history of visual and audio technologies, developed in harness for virtual experiences from cinema to computer games. Haptics is a relative newcomer that must be blended with them to create coherent multimodal perceptual experiences. Additionally, haptics is closely related to proprioception, and to the wide range of tactile senses—texture, heat, pain etc—that current VR systems do not address. Building on sensorimotor theory of perception, Janet aims to establish how our perceptual system responds to multi-modal feedback that almost, but not quite, matches what we are used to, in making sense of the simulated environment of VR. ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ Featured Publication(s): Investigating Sensorimotor Contingencies in the Enactive Interface A comparison of the effects of haptic and visual feedback on presence in virtual reality Novel Player Experience with Sensory Substitution and Augmentation Investigating sensorimotor contingencies in the enactive interface Themes - Previous Next

  • Portfolio search and optimization for general strategy game-playing

    < Back Portfolio search and optimization for general strategy game-playing Link ​ Author(s) A Dockhorn, J Hurtado-Grueso, D Jeurissen, L Xu, D Perez-Liebana Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • PAGAN for Character Believability Assessment

    < Back PAGAN for Character Believability Assessment Link ​ Author(s) C Pacheco Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Trends in organizing philosophies of game jams and game hackathons

    < Back Trends in organizing philosophies of game jams and game hackathons Link ​ Author(s) A Fowler, G Lai, F Khosmood, R Hill Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • An appraisal-based chain-of-emotion architecture for affective language model game agents

    < Back An appraisal-based chain-of-emotion architecture for affective language model game agents Link ​ Author(s) M Croissant, M Frister, G Schofield, C McCall Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Game state and action abstracting monte carlo tree search for general strategy game-playing

    < Back Game state and action abstracting monte carlo tree search for general strategy game-playing Link ​ Author(s) A Dockhorn, J Hurtado-Grueso, D Jeurissen, L Xu, D Perez-Liebana Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Evaluating generalisation in general video game playing

    < Back Evaluating generalisation in general video game playing Link ​ Author(s) M Balla, SM Lucas, D Perez-Liebana Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Adam Katona

    < Back ​ Dr Adam Katona University of York ​ iGGi Alum ​ ​ Adam did his MSc in mechatronics at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. After graduation, he spent two years working on automated driving at Robert Bosch GmbH, during which he got exposed to both the classical and the machine learning approach of creating intelligent agents. Evolutionary computation continues to surprise us by producing creative and efficient designs. However despite our best efforts, artificial evolution had not produced anything ascomplex and interesting as natural evolution. As our hardware is becoming faster and number of cores in our chips increase, the lack of computational power is becoming less of an excuse. It is starting to become more and more obvious that some fundamental component of natural evolution is missing from our simulations. One possible candidate is the evolution of evolvability. Evolution seems to produce organisms which are well suited for further evolution. The goal of my research is to find mechanisms which allows evolution to increase evolvability, and incorporate these in the design of more efficient neuroevolution algorithms.This research is in the intersection of evolutionary computation, evolutionary developmental biology and neural networks. ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ Featured Publication(s): Illuminating Game Space Using MAP-Elites for Assisting Video Game Design Complex computation from developmental priors Utilizing the Untapped Potential of Indirect Encoding for Neural Networks with Meta Learning Quality Evolvability ES: Evolving Individuals With a Distribution of Well Performing and Diverse Offspring Growing 3d artefacts and functional machines with neural cellular automata Time to die: Death prediction in dota 2 using deep learning Themes Game AI - Previous Next

  • Bridging Generative Deep Learning and Computational Creativity

    < Back Bridging Generative Deep Learning and Computational Creativity Link ​ Author(s) S Berns, S Colton Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Understanding and Strengthening the Computational Creativity Community: A Report From The Computational Creativity Task Force.

    < Back Understanding and Strengthening the Computational Creativity Community: A Report From The Computational Creativity Task Force. Link ​ Author(s) JM Cunha, S Harmon, C Guckelsberger, A Kantosalo, PM Bodily, K Grace Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • The role of image characteristics and embodiment in the evaluation of graffiti

    < Back The role of image characteristics and embodiment in the evaluation of graffiti Link ​ Author(s) R Chamberlain, C Mullin, J Wagemans, D Berio, FF Leymarie, G Orgs Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • iGGi Seminar with Creative Assembly: Life After Doctorate | iGGi PhD

    < Back iGGi Seminar with Creative Assembly: Life After Doctorate Last week, four members of Creative Assembly joined us to talk about their experience of life (in the industry, and in general) after their PhD as well as broader issues around the connection between academic and industry work. Speakers comprised: Duygu Ç akmak (Research and Development Director) Tim Gosling (AI Technical Director) Derek Fagan (Senior AI/Gameplay Programmer) Tristan Smith (Senior AI Programmer) Fittingly, the “Life After A PhD” seminar took place on International Women’s Day, so: On a very related note, iGGi would like to congratulate one of the panellists, namely CA Research and Development Director Duygu Çakmak for winning the FDM everywoman in Technology Awards (Software Engineer Award)! During the event, Duygu pointed out that she was the only one of the four speakers who has not done a PhD, but "loves working with academics". We can reassure her that her scope of skills and ambitious portfolio certainly don't count for less. Thank you everyone who attended these events - we hope you found them interesting and useful! And an even bigger THANKS to the CA team: for joining us on the day and sharing your insights!! ​ Previous 13 Mar 2023 Next

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