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  • The Basic Needs in Games (BANG) Model of Video Game Play and Mental Health

    < Back The Basic Needs in Games (BANG) Model of Video Game Play and Mental Health Link ​ Author(s) N Ballou, S Deterding Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • PyTAG: Challenges and Opportunities for Reinforcement Learning in Tabletop Games

    < Back PyTAG: Challenges and Opportunities for Reinforcement Learning in Tabletop Games Link ​ Author(s) M Balla, GEM Long, D Jeurissen, J Goodman, RD Gaina, ... Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Bimanual interaction in virtually and mechanically coupled tasks

    < Back Bimanual interaction in virtually and mechanically coupled tasks Link ​ Author(s) NP Pérez Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Novel Player Experience with Sensory Substitution and Augmentation

    < Back Novel Player Experience with Sensory Substitution and Augmentation Link ​ Author(s) JK Gibbs Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Joint Writing Retreat - November 2023 | iGGi PhD

    < Back Joint Writing Retreat - November 2023 Another fantastic Joint Writing Retreat was had with our colleagues at MAT , CDE and AIM this week at the beautiful High Leigh. Feedback from the event, was, as always really positive with: 100% of respondents saying the retreat was useful and beneficial to their research/progress 96% saying they would recommend it to others 95% saying they produced more content than expected With comments about the primary benefit of the retreat being: Scheduled writing time and not having to worry about preparing food, chores etc Refreshing and networking with people in a similar but different sphere made me reframe I feel good writing in a big group. And I have good mood in here Very focused working time and environment. More productive than the office. Very quiet and focused. Not having to think about what food to buy and to prepare and to cook takes the mental load off to just focus on writing. It's surprising how much fretting about food preparation for the week takes out of your day. Here is the word cloud created from the Mentimeter “poll of 3 words” to describe the retreat: ​ Previous 24 Nov 2023 Next

  • Diversity maintenance using a population of repelling random-mutation hill climbers

    < Back Diversity maintenance using a population of repelling random-mutation hill climbers Link ​ Author(s) R Volkovas, M Fairbank, D Perez-Liebana Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • iGGi Seminar Series: Recordings of no 1-4 | iGGi PhD

    < Back iGGi Seminar Series: Recordings of no 1-4 OUT NOW! – We’ve just released the recordings of our 1st four iGGi Seminars: once a month a panel of guest speakers + iGGi PhD researchers discuss a topic relevant to games industry/research. Here's the playlist: Subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive updates. ​ Previous 9 Nov 2021 Next

  • Optimising level generators for general video game AI

    < Back Optimising level generators for general video game AI Link ​ Author(s) O Drageset, MHM Winands, RD Gaina, D Perez-Liebana Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • 2020 Cohort Mini-Conference | iGGi PhD

    < Back 2020 Cohort Mini-Conference The recent 2020 cohort Mini-Conference was a great success! It was held in York and focused on highlighting the work being submitted and published by the iGGi PGRs at this stage in their projects. The cohort members had a chance to meet one another (as due to the pandemic, some still had not ever met before!) and to take a deep dive in to each-other's work, sharing knowledge in a simultaneously bonding and educational trip. The meet certainly fostered ideas for some collaborations between students, so watch this space! ​ Previous 20 Apr 2022 Next

  • Visualizing Multiplayer Game Spaces

    < Back Visualizing Multiplayer Game Spaces Link ​ Author(s) J Goodman, D Perez-Liebana, S Lucas Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Simultaneous multi-view object recognition and grasping in open-ended domains

    < Back Simultaneous multi-view object recognition and grasping in open-ended domains Link ​ Author(s) H Kasaei, S Luo, R Sasso, M Kasaei Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Dr Andrew James Wood

    < Back ​ Dr Andrew James Wood University of York ​ Supervisor ​ ​ I am an interdisciplinary researcher at the University of York. My background is in Mathematical Physics but my interests are now in applying computational and mathematical techniques to interesting problems, mostly in Biology. This includes such topics as collective motion (particularly in interaction networks and the role of noise) and microbiology (particularly in metabolism, industrial biotechnology, spatial structure and plasmid dynamics) as well as modelling naval conflicts and glycosylation. I have a natural interest in games and am interested in the interface between games and science, be that in using games to do, or disseminate, science or in utilising mechanisms and insights from research to inspire games. Research themes: Game Analytics Game Design Games with a Purpose Gamification ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Applied Games Design & Development Game Data - Previous Next

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