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  • Game AI

    iGGi PhD Projects 2023 Game AI This page displays the supervisor-proposed PhD projects on offer under the above stated theme: If you are interested in any of the projects listed and would like further details and/or to discuss, please email the project supervisor. Please note that you can also frame your own project independently granted that you have secured a supervisor's support. For a list of available supervisors please see the accepting students section of our website. ​ While iGGi has checked that the project descriptions listed below are within iGGi's scope , we wish to highlight that you are still responsible for ensuring that your proposal, too, is in line with this scope, and we would further like to point out that supervisor-framed projects are not prioritised in the application selection process: they are judged by the same criteria as applicant-framed proposals. For guidance to make sure that the proposal you submit (regardless of whether it has been supervisor-framed or created entirely by you) sits within iGGi's scope please refer to this link: Navigate to other Themes on offer: Game AI Design & Development Player Research Game Audio Game Data Immersive Technology Creative Computing E-Sports Applied Games Back to ALL Projects Game AI ​ Automatic Evaluation of Tabletop Games This project proposal aims to research and develop methods to accurately evaluate the impact of modern Tabletop Games components in different aspects of gameplay. Price Game AI Duration Diego Pérez-Liébana Read More Game AI ​ Principled and Scalable Exploration Techniques for Reinforcement Learning In this project, you will develop principled and scalable exploration techniques based on reducing model uncertainty. Price Game AI Duration Paulo Rauber Read More Game AI ​ Evolving Perception for Game Agents This project will investigate game agents in open world games which evolve their senses and world representation alongside learning what actions to take in each state. We will evolve game agents with highly alien behaviours which nevertheless have high fitness in the open world environment, while investigating important scientific questions about how senses and world representations evolved in humans. Price Game AI Duration Alex Wade, Peter Cowling Read More Load More

  • Prof Alex Wade

    < Back ​ Prof. Alex Wade University of York ​ Supervisor ​ ​ Alex Wade is a psychologist working in the field of human cognitive neuroscience. He uses a combination of structural and functional brain imaging, electrophysiology, psychophysics and big data analysis to ask how we see, solve problems and make decisions. His most recent work in the domain of video games focuses on what we can learn about global cognitive health and player personality from the analysis of large MOBA datasets in collaboration with Riot games (League of Legends). He is particularly interested in supervising students with a psychology or neuroscience background in the areas of: Using commercial video games to measure cognition and personality How the brain responds to solo- and group gameplay Can we use video games to monitor and modify real-world cognition, behaviour and mental health Research themes: Game Analytics Games with a Purpose Computational Creativity E-Sports Player Experience The neuroscience of gaming ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Applied Games Creative Computing Esports Game Data Player Research - Previous Next

  • Dr Alena Denisova

    < Back ​ Dr Alena Denisova University of York ​ Supervisor ​ ​ Alena Denisova is a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of York, UK. She is actively involved in collaborative and interdisciplinary projects that involve conceptualising and measuring user experience of video games and designing and building educational and persuasive interactive media. Her research explores the role of the `placebo effect’ of technology in shaping player experiences, perceived challenge and uncertainty in video games, and, more recently, emotionally impactful player experiences - understanding how these experiences are shaped with the view to inform the design of games that promote these experiences. Alena is an active member of the games HCI community: she is a co-chair of the IEEE Task Force on Automatic Gameplay Evaluation and a member of the Programme Committee for the annual CHI and CHI Play conferences. She is interested in supervising students that have qualitative, mixed method or design experience that they wish to apply to studying digital games. Possible research topics include exploring what makes choices in games meaningful for players, how perceived uncertainty, risk-aversion, and luck affect decision making in games, and how skill is acquired and advanced throughout while playing video games. She is also keen to work with students who wish to work on games with a purpose. For instance, designing and developing games that promote informed decision-making about moral and ethical choices, such as promoting sustainable lifestyle, reflecting on important real-life issues, developing personally, etc. ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Applied Games Design & Development Player Research - Previous Next

  • Amplifying The Uncanny

    < Back Amplifying The Uncanny Link ​ Author(s) T Broad, FF Leymarie, M Grierson Abstract ​ More info TBA ​ Link

  • Tom Wells

    < Back ​ Tom Wells University of York ​ iGGi PG Researcher ​ Available for placement Tom has an interest in niche alternative and indie games which evoke strong emotions and are narratively immersive. He studied Experimental Psychology as an undergraduate in Oxford, specialising in conscious brightness perception in specific optical pigments. His Masters was in Computational Neuroscience, Cognition and AI from Nottingham, and focused on Computer Vision (specifically facial recognition) and Visual Attention. He enjoys heavy metal, strength sports and literature. A description of Tom's research: With the rise of digital art, Uncanny Valley has emerged from an esoteric robotics concept into an infectious memetic phenomenon, with specific memes such as 'Uncanny/Canny Mr. Incredible', or more generally uncanny faces being used as reaction images for humor. Critics and players will now refer to specific media being 'Uncanny' rather than using more general words as 'off-putting', demonstrating uncanniness cementing itself in the public consciousness as examples increasingly abound; ergo digital artists should be aware of evoking the uncanny even with modern rendering technology, as audiences become increasingly discerning of the Uncanny. This is most pertinent in videogames, where rendering is performed in real-time, meaning rendering constraints must be implemented. This potentially confines characters to the Uncanny Valley, as it may not be possible to increase graphical fidelity, thus artists may be left to either accept the uncanny or demaster their work (both undesirable options). This project aims to learn about the Uncanny Valley pertaining to modern skin rendering techniques, using artificial intelligence (specifically GANs) to directly map skin rendering parameters onto user assessments of uncanniness and realism. This can then be reverse engineered to provide automated tools for generatively rendering realistic non-uncanny skin, and predicting audience responses to skin realism, expediting QA testing. The primary experimental stage is to generate a face database with photorealistic skin to be assessed using psychometrics by participants. This is additionally one of few studies looking into the novel phenomena of training AI's to generate human-oriented psychologically salient content. ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes - Previous Next

  • Dr Athen Ma

    < Back ​ Dr Athen Ma Queen Mary University of London ​ Supervisor ​ ​ Athen Ma is an innovator in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of communities and networked ecosystems. She is particularly interested in finding out how the structure and dynamics of communities evolve over time and what kind of mechanics that help underpin cohesion in communities. Her research has been published in world-leading journals, with recent works revealing the organisation of collaborative science in the UK (in PNAS highlight), uncovering how ecological networks rewire under drought (front cover of Nature Climate Change ), and how agricultural ecosystems are resilient to changes in farming management (in Nature Ecology and Evolution ). Online multiplayer games naturally form a platform for social relationships to develop, and deciphering the social structure and dynamics of the communities formed will provide insights into many aspects in games, ranging from users engagement and retention to team formation. For example, matchmaking enables users to find other players who share similar profiles, interests as well as skills and personality; has been seen as an important tool for establishing and maintaining a thriving gaming community. Athen is keen to explore novel ways to use advances in social network analysis to investigate player communities in games across multiple network scales, so as to better understand their formation and evolution. Findings from this research will help identify/predict the type of social interactions that will promote the level of engagement among players and community cohesion, paving the way for designing in-game activities that will foster long-time engagement and retention. ​ Email Mastodon Other links Website LinkedIn Twitter Github ​ ​ Themes Game Data Player Research - Previous Next

  • iGGi Publications

    iGGi Publications Filter by iGGi Theme Accessibility Applied Games Creative Computing Design & Development Esports Game AI Game Audio Game Data Games Business Immersive Technology Player Research Filter by iGGi Author Select iGGi Author Filter by Publication Year Select year Filter by Publication Type Select Publication Type Formal Constraints and Creativity: Connecting Game Jams, Dogma ’95, the Demo Scene, OuBaPo, and Renga poets G Lai, I Vecchi Games and Culture, 2024 Gorm Lai View Details Playing NetHack with LLMs: Potential & Limitations as Zero-Shot Agents D Jeurissen, D Perez-Liebana, J Gow, D Cakmak, J Kwan arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.00690, 2024 Dominik Jeurissen View Details Climate Club: A Group-based Game to Support Sensemaking of Climate Actions P Sandbhor, J Hook FDG '24: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, Article No.: 32, Pages 1 - 12, 2024 Prasad Sandbhor Prasad Sandbhor View Details Can We Generate Realistic Hands Only Using Convolution? M Hosseini, P Hosseini arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.01951, 2024 Peyman Hosseini View Details An appraisal-based chain-of-emotion architecture for affective language model game agents M Croissant, M Frister, G Schofield, C McCall Plos one 19 (5), e0301033, 2024 Maximilian Croissant Madeleine Frister View Details Use of Technology in Brief Interventions L Gega, MJ Saiger Brief CBT and Science-Based Tailoring for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adolescents, and Young Adults, Springer, pp 293-309, 2024 Michael John Saiger View Details Contextual design requirements for decision-support tools involved in weaning patients from mechanical ventilation in intensive care units N Hughes, Y Jia, M Sujan, T Lawton, I Habli, J McDermid Applied Ergonomics 118, 104275, 2024 Dr Nathan Hughes View Details VDSC: Enhancing Exploration Timing with Value Discrepancy and State Counts M Captari, R Sasso, M Sabatelli arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.17542, 2024 Remo Sasso View Details Applying and Visualising Complex Models in Esport Broadcast Coverage A Pedrassoli Chitayat, F Block, JA Walker, A Drachen Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 2024 Alan Pedrassoli Chitayat View Details Player Expectations of Strategy Game AI D Gomme University of Essex, 2024 Dr Daniel Gomme View Details How does Juicy Game Feedback Motivate? Testing Curiosity, Competence, and Effectance D Kao, N Ballou, K Gerling, H Breitsohl, S Deterding Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-16, 2024 Dr Nick Ballou View Details Money laundering through video games, a criminals' playground D Cooke, A Marshall Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, Volume 50, 2024, 301802, ISSN 2666-2817 Dan Cooke View Details How Could They Win? An Exploration of Win Condition for Esports Narratives AP Chitayat, FO Block, JA Walker, A Drachen Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2024), 2024 Alan Pedrassoli Chitayat View Details " Hunt Takes Hare": Theming Games Through Game-Word Vector Translation Y Rabii, M Cook Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2024 Younès Rabii View Details Making Connections: Neurodevelopmental Changes in Brain Connectivity after Adverse Experiences in Early Adolescence A Pollmann, R Sasso, K Bates, D Fuhrmann Journal of Neuroscience 44 (8), 2024 Remo Sasso View Details On the Evaluation of Procedural Level Generation Systems O Withington, M Cook, L Tokarchuk Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2024 Dr Oliver Scholten View Details Delivering Bad News: VR Embodiment of Self Evaluation in Medical Communication Training T Collingwoode-Williams, M Gillies, P Nambyiah, C Fertleman, X Pan 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH) Dr Tara Collingwoode-Williams View Details Brain Drain Optimization (BRADO) Algorithm to Solve Multi-Objective Expert Team Formation Problem in Social Networks A Basiri, E Masehian, F Taghiyareh, P Hosseini ​ Peyman Hosseini View Details Believability Assessment and Modelling in Video Games C Pacheco Queen Mary University of London, 2024 Dr Cristiana Pacheco View Details System and method for training a machine learning model R Spick, G Moss, T Bradley, PV Amadori US Patent App. 18/513,849, 2024 Dr Ryan Spick View Details Investigating Sensorimotor Contingencies in the Enactive Interface K Devlin, JK Gibbs Goldsmiths, University of London, 2024 Janet Gibbs View Details Reflection Across AI-based Music Composition Corey Ford, Ashley Noel-Hirst, Sara Cardinale, Jackson Loth, Pedro Sarmento, Elizabeth Wilson, Lewis Wolstanholme, Kyle Worrall, Nick Bryan-Kinns ACM Cognition & Creativity '24, 398-412, 2024 Kyle Worrall View Details Comparative evaluation in the wild: Systems for the expressive rendering of music K Worrall, Z Yin, T Collins IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024 Kyle Worrall View Details From Passive Viewer to Active Fan: Towards the Design and Large-Scale Evaluation of Interactive Audience Experiences in Esports and Beyond Alan Pedrassoli Chitayat, Alistair Coates, Florian Block, Anders Drachen, James Alfred Walker, James Dean, Mark McConachie, Peter York Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 2024 Alan Pedrassoli Chitayat View Details Behavioural Cloning in VizDoom R Spick, T Bradley, A Raina, PV Amadori, G Moss arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03993, 2024 Dr Ryan Spick View Details View More

  • News (All) | iGGi PhD

    iGGi News 13 Sept 2024 iGGi Con 2024 - It's A Wrap The iGGi Con 2024 successfully concluded on Thursday, 12 September. Read More 10 May 2024 iGGi Con 2024 REGISTRATION OPENS iGGi Conference news! The iGGi Con 2024 website launches and registration opens TODAY. Dates are 11+12 Sep '24. Don't miss out! Read More 23 Nov 2023 Best Game Related Research Award Goes to iGGi iGGi won the Best Game Related Research Award at the Game Republic 20th Anniversary Awards!! Read More 12 Jul 2024 iGGi @ Develop:Brighton 2024 iGGi Talk by Dominik Jeurissen, side events, and our as yet most successful iGGi stand at the Develop:Brighton Expo! >>> Read this article for more info Read More 12 Jan 2024 iGGi Game Jam 2024 - We Made It!! 48 hours of game-making - the iGGi Game Jam 2024 concludes cheerfully with the iGGi Game Jam Awards Read More 24 Nov 2023 Joint Writing Retreat - November 2023 Another fantastic Joint Writing Retreat was successfully held with fellow CDTs MAT, CDE and AIM at High Leigh. Read More 11 Jul 2024 iGGi Talk at Develop:Brighton - Dominik Jeurissen Dominik Jeurissen talks about "LLM Agents for QA - Potential & Limitations" Read More 3 Oct 2023 Radical Alternate Futurescoping: Solarpunk Vs Grimdark Workshop Academic Mindtrek Conference at Tampere University on the 3rd of October 2023 Read More 20 Oct 2023 Mark the Date! iGGi Con 2024 - 11+12 Sep Mark the date for the next iGGi Con: 11+12 September 2024, at the University of York Read More Load More

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