Game Data
How might we analyse the big data exhausts of games to support game developers and understand people inside and outside of games?
Project areas include:
Imitation Learning: Using game data from human players we can build AI opponents and team-mates to enhance multi-player games.
Comparative Analysis of Games: By comparing data across different games, developers can understand key factors underlying game genres or mechanics, leading to more successful future game designs.
Social Dynamics in Games: Studying data from multiplayer games can uncover fascinating insights about social dynamics and cooperation/competition among players.
Game Economics: In games with virtual economies, tracking and analysing economic data can help maintain balanced economies, which is crucial for player satisfaction and the longevity of the game.
iGGi >>> People <<< relevant to this Theme:
iGGi >>> Publications <<< relevant to this Theme:
From Passive Viewer to Active Fan: Towards the Design and Large-Scale Evaluation of Interactive Audience Experiences in Esports and Beyond
Alan Pedrassoli Chitayat, Alistair Coates, Florian Block, Anders Drachen, James Alfred Walker, James Dean, Mark McConachie, Peter York
Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 2024